Writers Read Their Early Sh*t
The podcast where authors and artists share the lopsided pleasures of their predeveloped, over-early, unripe work.
Writers Read Their Early Sh*t
10 - Tyler James Russell & do or do not, there is no try
Season 1
Episode 10
It's a trap! Jason welcomes the mellifluous Tyler James Russell for a Boba Fett-infused chinfest featuring some of Tyler's early & action-packed Star Wars fan fiction. Bounty hunters, The Sound & The Fury, shitty first drafts, the detestable messiness of Dostoevsky, guilty lapses, & writing novels as screenplays first: it's all here. Enjoy more Tyler at https://www.tylerjamesrussell.com & join the early sh*t chat at https://www.facebook.com/WRTESpodcast and on Instagram @writersreadtheirearlyshit. Music, as always, by the invincible DJ Max in Tokyo; check him out at http://soundcloud.com/djmaxintokyo. Support the show, if you'd like, at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/wrtes & thank you, wherever you are, for listening.