Writers Read Their Early Sh*t

S4/E5 - Lee Shedden will write foot powder jingles for money

Season 4 Episode 5

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Jason welcomes hunky singer-songwriter Lee Shedden for a vast ramble about getting drunk in Calgary, how books are bullshit, Martin Amis, listening to KISS on the Gravitron, the glory of Gillian Welch, & how Jason was the worst influence on wee young Lee. There isn't much old literary shit, but the episode is studded—in every way—with some of Lee's early musical shit, some mid-period shit, & some of his most recent shit, which is totally ace & which you should buy when it comes out. Join the early sh*t chat at https://www.facebook.com/WRTESpodcast & on Instagram @writersreadtheirearlyshit. Thanks to Wayne Emde for the artwork, Joe Emde for help with the intro, DJ Max in Tokyo for the intro music, and you, wherever & whoever & however you are, for listening. 

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